And Now…
Hugs and kisses galore to Neelini, Ugh 3, who will shortly become Neelini, Oxon. So, since you are going to St.Hilda’s and we aren’t, we decided to knock our heads together and think of what we want you to bring back for us. Take a deep breath –
1. A piece of the Quad (we don’t care which Quad, as long as it’s the Quad. Hell’s bells, we don’t even know what the Quad is, but we’ve heard of it and we know it’s there, so no funny business),
2. the stone slab on which Wordsworth was sick (or is that Cambridge?),
3. a boat,
4. a policeman’s helmet,
5. an Oxford Blue (preferably tall, buxom and female),
6. a dictionary,
7. a head porter,
8. an uninhibited desire to invite all (and in particular the prettier ones) your fellow Hildans?/ Hildites?/ Hilfigers? home for the holidays.
deep...thanks so much..I am really touched.
I dont really know what quads and stuff are;however I shall make it a point to find out as soon as I go there.
add a hunky policeman under that hat, and am all set to kiss her goodbye...
I'm now informed it's actually HILDEBEASTS. Poor you!!
Could've been worse... HILDEGAARDS!
Or ever Worser... HILD-WILDS or Her HILNESS es...
hahhaha, HILDEGAARDS wins any day. our very own hildegaard to be, Neelini. :D
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